Meet the Saratoga Springs Women’s Book Club, described by book club manager Carol, as follows: “We are a meet-up group that meets once a month to discuss books. We also have book conversations about what we’re reading, book trivia events and hope to get back to attending live author events. Our meet-up list has over 150 members, with an average of 10-20 per meeting. We meet once a month to discuss books and more often for other events. We are located in Saratoga Springs, New York. We read dystopian fiction, women centered novels, mysteries and are always open to the next great book.”

Carol’s group schedules author visits regularly through NovelNetwork, and most recently, they enjoyed a visit from New York Times bestselling and book club favorite author Sadeqa Johnson for discussion of THE HOUSE OF EVE. Of their visit, Carol offered this:

“We could not have had a better author visit. Sadeqa was so gracious with her time, informed our group so much about her book and was wonderful to have at our book group. We are indebted to her and NovelNetwork for enriching our reading of the book, “The House of Eve”.

Thank you, Carol, for sharing with us.

Book Club Enrichment 101 course description: Inviting an author to visit with your book club is guaranteed to take your book discussion to the next automatic A+! Registration is free for book clubs. Join today at